Crowdfunding has become an extremely popular way to raise money.

It’s built on the concept of receiving numerous small donations from many people, as well as creating a deadline so that the donors know that it is time sensitive to donate. Simple2Donate supports 3 different types of crowdfunding campaigns, so you can choose the one that best suits you.

1. Deadline (without Matchers)

Decide how much money you want to raise. Make sure you set a realistic goal - our experts can help you calculate this.
Next, set a deadline, usually between 1-7 days.
This type of campaign is ideal for a specific cause to your organization, for example, a summer trip for disabled kids, new therapy equipment, a new center etc.
  • Creates urgency by setting a deadline to raise funds
  • It’s all or nothing. Team Leaders and donors have to give their best to make it successful.
  • If the goal is not met, donors are fully refunded, and the campaign is considered unsuccessful.

2. Deadline with Matchers

This is the same as above - Deadline (without Matchers) - except that there are matching donors. Matchers can be foundations, businesses, or individuals who strongly believe in your cause and are prepared to match donations that are made to the campaign.
The Donor matchers agree to donate a specified amount if the entire community reaches their goal. It creates a level of excitement as numbers jump up faster and are automatically calculated based on the goal being reached.
Matching campaigns can have different multipliers. In most cases it is 1:1, but can also be 1:3 or even 1:4. This means that a person who gives just $10 can bring additional $10, $30 or $40 depending on the matcher multiplier. All matchers do not have to give equal amounts, however the matching amounts combined will need to equal the amount of the goal
  • Campaigns with matchers have a 99.8% success rate. This is because this type of crowdfunding campaign shows a sense of passion and commitment.
  • It can be challenging to find Matchers.

3. Flexible (No Matchers)

A flexible campaign has no deadline, no goal, and no Matchers. The organization keeps whatever they raise. This type of campaign can remain live for a longer period of time, such as 4 - 6 weeks.
Flexible (No Matchers) campaigns do not always have a specific cause. The funds raised are usually for running costs, such as day-to-day expenses to enable a cause to survive.
  • No goal to reach, and you are guaranteed to keep whatever you raise.
  • There is no sense of urgency. So team leaders advocating for you. Can be a harder sell.